Had an interesting meeting with an amazing man today - John Richardson. John is a visiting professor from American University, spending one semester at the Institute of Water Policy at our School. I was first introduced to him at one of our lectures where he gave a presentation on system dynamics and I was completely impressed, by his knowledge, his style and his dedication. A week or two later I sought him out and had an inspiring meeting with him. Then came the phase of assignments and exams and I lost touch, but would occasionally bump into him in School. After almost a month I met him again today and now feel sad that I should have sought him out more often as I do not know when I will see him again - I leave for India this Thursday and by the time I get back in August he would have completed his term here (hopefully to return next year). Today we discussed the suitability of an activist like myself, in the field of academia. Recently I have had a lot of questions churning in my mi...